Solid Yellow Gold
Dimensions: 11/16″ wide x 1 1/2″ high
This collection is inspired by an early Byzantine 7th century (600 A.D.) gold body chain or body ornament. The body chain was found in an Egyptian tomb and is now part of the British Museum collections. It is the largest piece of jewelry to have survived from the Early Byzantine period. The tradition of the nobility wearing body chains dates back to the Hellenistic period. Important Jewelers to the Byzantine Imperial throne were commissioned to make these pieces to be presented as gifts of honor to foreign rulers and nobility within the empire and to neighbors and allies throughout. The chains were to be worn as adornments of honor with the large discs centered on the breast and the middle of the back and the chains fitting over the shoulders and under the arms. We have taken the beautiful open work discs from this body chain and created our collection Gifts of Glory comprising of earrings, a pendant, necklaces, and bracelets.
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